Can Watching Porn Improve Your Marriage

First of all, a disclaimer: if your marriage is on the rocks, get therapy. Don’t pop in some cumshot porn and tell your wife that this is going to make everything better.
If your marriage is alright, but not as sexy as you want, then watching porn really can improve your marriage. It does this a couple different ways. First of all, it allows you to explore your sexual fantasies. You get to know each other better than ever. You get to try new things together. Boredom is worse for a relationship than fighting.
On the other hand, sometimes you need a little competition to stay in top form. If your wife sees you watching a lot of petite porn, maybe she’ll want to hit the gym a little more. Unless cuckolding is your fetish, seeing your wife get wet for some guy will encourage you to cut back on the beer.
Triss :*
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